Statement of Support: Y2Y New Haven

Caroline Smith
3 min readJun 19, 2019

This is my Statement of Support for Y2Y New Haven.

June 10th, 2019
Caroline Smith

To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Caroline Smith and I’m writing in support of Y2Y New Haven. I support Y2Y New Haven because of its commitment to service, relationship to inclusive economic development, and alignment with the values of the Wooster Square neighborhood.

I write as a New Haven resident of ten years — a resident who loves eating cinnamon rolls at the Cherry Blossom Festival, running through Wooster Square Park and up City Hall steps almost every day, serving as Chair of the Downtown-Wooster Square Community Management Team, and biking down Grand Avenue to attend community meetings. A resident who cares deeply about the Wooster Square, Downtown, and Fair Haven neighborhoods — their stability, future, and growth.

I also write as the Co-Founder and Co-Director of Collab, a local accelerator for Connecticut entrepreneurs. Our mission is to help improve the economic livelihoods of New Haven residents by making entrepreneurship accessible.

In this role, I’ve worked with hundreds of local entrepreneurs and thought deeply with others about New Haven economic development. After being a part of this work, the deep connection between promoting inclusive economic development and providing for basic needs is undeniable to me.

True inclusive growth requires an economic development strategy that recognizes the necessity and power of providing for all of our city’s residents — including young people and including our most vulnerable. This strategy needs to acknowledge overall systems of oppression and structural and institutional barriers based on race, ethnicity, gender, class, sexuality, ability, age, immigration status, and other differences. Because of those barriers, economic opportunity is more inaccessible, leading to economic and community development that does not incorporate the needs, perspectives, and assets of those marginalized groups.

Y2Y New Haven is an economic development initiative that is committed to that inclusivity. Its model is rooted in creating pathways out of homelessness for young people — often black and brown, often LGBTQ+ — with the help of service providers, leadership development initiatives, community members, and youth. Youth voice and leadership is centered in program development, organizational direction and site selection. As a result of this work, the possibilities for these young people exponentially expand — including their ability to be employable, to be voters, to be active community members, to build their own businesses, to be neighbors, to be leaders. This innovative, compassionate, and effective model allows us to take collective, collaborative action to not just give young people a bed but also to contribute to a more equitable, inclusive economy.

When I think of Y2Y New Haven, I overwhelming think about opportunity. Not only an opportunity for Y2Y and the young people it aims to work with, but also an opportunity for Wooster Square as a neighborhood. The Y2Y New Haven team has built their community with love and courage. They’ve challenged but not shamed. They’ve given us something to advocate for and not just against. They’ve let young people lead — identifying Grand Avenue as the best, most safe location for Y2Y. And I believe they’re helping build towards the neighborhood we collectively want.

I believe that Y2Y New Haven is an organization that supports a vision for inclusive growth, is deeply aligned with the heart and spirit of Wooster Square, and takes care of our neighborhood’s most vulnerable. And, therefore, is an organization that Wooster Square can be proud to hold.


Caroline Smith



Caroline Smith

Co-Director @collab_newhaven | Chair @dwscmt | she/her/hers